Learning how to pursue a career as a Cosmetologist or Barber. It offers a distinctive and exceptional approach to learning. The program spans 3200 working hours and 250 classroom hours over the course of 18-24 months.
Instructions in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. We can provide our exams in many other languages as well!
Practical Procedures for Barber/Cosmetology
- 100 Hours (OPTIONAL)
- Learn the proper tools and techniques on how to better perform good haircutting, styling hair beautifully, how to do haircoloring, permanent wave, hair relaxation, facials, hair removal, makeup, nails enhancement, manicure and pedicure. This course is to help students feel comfortable in performing salon services to increase their income potential. This is added on for students who want more shop skills practical on mannequins and live models.
Introduction to Barber/Cosmetology
- 40 Hours (OPTIONAL)
- This is recommended for beginners with no background experience. Students will learn how to set up each procedure and assist trainer to perform on mannequin basic skills in haircut, styling, chemical services, basic facial, basic nails care (Cosmetologist), shaving (Barber). At the end of this course, student will be able to decide if want to go further and apply for the apprenticeship license (see Basic Program requirements)
Apprenticeship Program for Barber/Cosmetology
- - Pre-Apprenticeship – 39 Hours
- - Related Subjects Instructions – 220 Hours
- - Apprentice License (Barber/Cosmetology) – 2 Years license to work in a license establishment as On-The-Job Training.
Attend 39 hours of Pre-Apprenticeship training
- Health and Safety
- Infection Control: Principles and Practices
- Board Rules and Regulations
As part of the 250 hours of Related Supplemental instruction (RSI) – Classroom instruction of Theory during the 2 years. To learn to understand and be ready to take the State Board Written Exam.* The History of Barbering
- Bacteriology
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Chemistry-
- Electricity and Light Therapy
- Properties and Disorders of the Hair and Scalp
- Treatment of the Hair and Scalp
- Properties and Disorders of the Skin
- Men’s Facial Massage and Treatments
- Men’s Hair Cutting and Styling
- Men’s Hairpieces
- Women’s Hair Cutting and Styling
- Chemical Texture Services
- Hair Coloring and Lightening
- Nails and Manicuring
- State Board Preparation and Licensing Law
- The Job Search
- Barbershop Management
- Shaving and Facial Hair Design
- Implements and tools, and equipment “TNN uses updated technology to help our students succeed in passing the State Board Written Exam.
Once licensed, apprentices will be working 32-40 hours a week under their trainer at the shop specified on their license for 2 years. Apprentices are responsible for recording the hours worked and services performed on their OT Log sheet, which will be turned in monthly.
Requirements to join the apprenticeship program are: – 16 years or older – high school education or equivalent – photo ID – SSN or ITIN